Light Therapies
Blu-U Light Therapy
Photodynamic Therapy is used for the treatment of precancerous skin lesions such as actinic keratosis. It involves in-office application of a medication to your skin followed by sitting under a blue light.
Narrowband UVB Light Therapy
Sunlight and ultraviolet light slow the rapid growth of skin cells. Psoriasis patients are directed to carefully sunbathe. People with psoriasis all over their bodies may require treatment with light boxes for full body exposure. We are equipped with the latest light treatment technology available.
Narrowband UVB light treatment uses the optimal part of the UVB light spectrum which slows the growth of psoriasis lesions or re-pigmentation of one’s natural skin coloring. Exposure time of narrowband UVB lamps can be longer than with traditional broadband UVB yielding more effective results. Recent studies have shown 75% clearing (PASI 75) with narrowband UVB. Erythemal response (similar to sunburn) is nearly eliminated with narrowband UVB light.

Risks and side effects of other treatments, such as systemic drugs have not been found with narrowband UVB light therapy.
What Conditions Benefit from UVB Light Treatment?
Psoriasis – Narrowband UVB light treatment provide faster clearing, less sun burning, and more complete disease resolution than traditional UVB and is much safer than biologics.
Vitiligo – Narrowband UVB lights are proving to be very useful in the treatment of Vitiligo. Narrowband UVB light treatment is replacing traditional PUVA phototherapy treatment. UVB narrowband lamps for vitiligo require no photo-sensitizing agents.
Atopic dermatitis and other types of eczema and rashes.
XTRAC is a FDA approved excimer laser for improving psoriasis. Patients typically experience welcome improvement after 10-12 treatments.
XTRAC treatments are typically given 2-3 times per week. Treatments must be at least 2 days apart to monitor the effect of the light on the skin. Most patients begin to see improvement in 4-6 treatments, good improvement in 10-12 treatments, and clearance in 10-20 treatments. However, individual results may vary, and there is no possible way to guarantee similar results for everyone.
XTRAC for Vitiligo – It Doesn’t Have to Last Forever
Vitiligo is unfortunately an extremely difficult condition to treat, and most other treatments may not be very successful. XTRAC treatments can minimize and, in many cases, even eliminate vitiligo depigmented patches. The XTRAC [308 nm] excimer laser delivers a targeted beam of UVB light and only the areas of skin affected by vitiligo receive the laser energy.
Though the laser spot size measures only 18mm x 18mm, due to rapid exposure times, relatively large, discrete areas can be treated in just five to 10 minutes. And most importantly, XTRAC treatments achieve complete response rates faster in a higher proportion of patients.
Particular areas, such as the face, neck and scalp often respond well with the XTRAC procedure, although more sessions are typically required than for psoriasis.
Are There Side Effects or Risks?
Some patients experience a reaction similar to sunburn or blistering at the site of the treated area and in some cases, an increase in pigmentation may occur. However, there is no effect on your other skin or systemically.
Results may vary, so talk to your doctor about the best treatment option for you.
What is phototherapy Used For?
Phototherapy is a type of medical treatment that involves exposure to fluorescent light bulbs or other sources of light like halogen lights, sunlight, and light emitting diodes (LEDs) to treat certain medical conditions.